No-Copy Foldables 3 - An Easy Cube

No-Copy Foldables 3 – An Easy Cube

No-Copy Foldables 3 - An Easy Cube

So, I’ve written before about various organizers that kids can make from just a sheet of printer paper (no copying needed), and about organizers that they can put together from sticky notes. Today, I thought I would add to my posts about no-copy foldables with this one about making a simple cube.

These little cubes are great, fun-to-make organizers that are useful for lots of classroom activities.  For example, students can make a cube to identify the story elements in their free-reading books.  Or they could make one about a particular part of speech.  Just for a few examples.

The steps are simple:

  1.  Crease the paper and cut out a cube.
  2.  Fill out each of the six sides with information or drawings.
  3.  Fold and tape the cube.

To start, fold a sheet of paper in thirds, hotdog style.   Use a ruler to incorporate a bit of measurement and make the math teachers happy, or just eyeball it. Then open the paper out flat.

Foldable cube i

Next, fold it in half, hamburger style, and then fold it again into quarters.  Open it out flat.

foldable cube


Cut away the corner pieces as shown, leaving a cross that is four squares long with one extra square on each side.


Discard the corner pieces.


This is where students should pause in their folding and cutting to fill out their graphic organizer, since it will be nearly impossible to write on after it is taped together!  Students should write or draw on all six squares.

Here is an example of how they might use their cube to record the story elements of a novel.  In this one, students use both writing and drawings to complete their cube.

Story Elements Cubes

Side 1 – Title and Author

Side 2 – The main character’s name, one character trait, and a small drawing

Side 3 – List of other important characters, maybe with one character trait for each

Side 4 – Description or drawing of the setting

Side 5 – Statement of the theme

Side 6 – Recommendations of why other students might want to read the book

And here’s one example for a grammar cube.  In this one, students complete their cube with information about one part of speech.  This one is done with writing only, no drawings, but of course kids could use colors to brighten up and individualize their cubes.

Pronouns Cubes

Side 1 – Definition of the word pronoun

Side 2 – List of subject pronouns

Side 3 – List of object pronouns

Side 4 – Definition and example of possessive pronouns

Side 5 – Definition and example of intensive pronouns

Side 6 – Definition and example of reflexive pronouns

Once all six sides are filled out, it’s time to fold up and tape the cube.  Note that this cube does not have tabs (It’s much easier to cut out this way.), so kids should just tape the edges together directly.


Two ideas for using the finished cubes-

  • Hang up  a group of cubes by pieces of yarn fastened at a corner for a classroom display.
  • Set up the story elements cubes for a walk-around activity to introduce kids to books that their classmates have read.

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No-Copy Foldables 3 - An Easy Cube

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