Parts of Speech Charts

Here are two useful classroom charts about the parts of speech. One includes basic information about each part of speech, and the other one has sample sentences. Post them side by side on your classroom wall as a handy reference, or give copies to each student for their language arts notebook.

Today, parts of speech are often taught along with the writing process, as a proofreading skill – bit by bit throughout the year, rather than in big grammar units as they were taught years ago. So it can be easy for kids to forget these essential little bits of grammar, and a chart to jog their memories can really help.

You can download a free copy of both charts at the end of this post.

As you can see, the information in these charts is basic – just enough to remind kids what’s what with each part of speech.

Some of my other resources, however, do go into much more detail, especially my slide presentations and task card sets that are each on a specific part of speech. The lessons on these slides and cards is based on common core language standards for grades 4 through 7 and covers a few surprisingly “advanced” grammar topics. In case you are interested in these teaching resources, I’ll list a few in the Related Resources after this article.

Download the charts here:

Related Resources

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