Whether you’re teaching summer school, tutoring kids at home, or still in the classroom, it’s nice to incorporate a little summer fun with the academic work. For kids (or teachers) who love to do crafts, this is the perfect opportunity to work on reading expository texts that explain the steps to a process. And tutorials explaining step-by-step how to make various craft projects are so easy to find now!
As examples, here are a few ideas:
- Friendship Bracelet – There are tons of tutorials for these little bracelets made from just embroidery floss. The one I liked makes bracelets with a chevron pattern. Embroidery floss is inexpensive and a pack with several colors will make a LOT of bracelets.
- Paper beads – These require almost no bought supplies. You just need old magazine pages and glue to make the beads.
- Braided Leather Bracelet – You can buy spools of leather cord at most any craft store that sells jewelry supplies such as beads and string, and a simple one doesn’t take long at all to make.
- Bracelets with Knotted String and Beads, and Wrap Bracelets – These are a little more complicated, and you need to buy both beading string and the beads, but for kids who have made bracelets before, they can be really enjoyable to make.
Of course, if you’re using the tutorial as a reading lesson, you’ll need to check it out ahead of time to be sure that it’s in text format and not a video tutorial. But those video tutorials can be useful for a language arts lesson too – only this time it would be a writing lesson, rather than reading. Kids could watch the tutorial, make the bracelet, and then write the step by step directions themselves.
Tutorials are available for lots of other craft areas as well – woodworking or sewing projects, for a few examples. I’m sure you have other ideas as well. And so will your kids! Whatever crafts you choose, chances are there are good instructional reading materials nearby just waiting for a teacher to put them to good use!
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