With Martin Luther King Jr. Day approaching, I thought I would share some favorite links. These include videos, informational text, and fun activities. Hope you find something that you can use with your kids!
Montgomery Bus Boycott – Informational text with historical photos about the Montgomery Bus Boycott from Sheppard Software, this article includes information about Dr. King’s participation in the event.
The Story of Martin Luther King Jr.by Kid President – In this three minute YouTube video, Kid President tells in his own style how Dr. King worked to bring people together and bring about changes.
Martin Luther King Jr,Word Search Puzzle – This word search puzzle from Jinxy Kids is printable and includes a word list.
Martin Luther King Collage – This post from education.com gives directions for making a collage based on Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, specifically the parts that focus on different regions of our country, “let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York . . .”
I hope that you find these resources useful as you plan for the Martin Luther King Day holiday in your classroom, and if you are interested, here is an additional resource that you can see in my store – Classroom in the Middle.
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